
A little space to reflect on life in my tale of two cities...and more

Monday, January 23, 2006

Canada in under 60 Minutes

Hey all - CBS' 60 Minutes had an interesting piece on the oil sands in Alberta on Sunday. I couldn't help but think of the opportune timing of the piece, a day before the Canadian election. The report really seemed to focus on how views of Canada in the US were liable to change, if in 10 years, Canada's oil capacity is greater than that of many other traditional oil producing nations. Reminds me of something else Krauss said on the CBC - he was surprised the sands and the environmental damage that is occuring to mine out the oil, is not a topic of the election at all. Really great point I think. As he pointed out even Layton won't talk about it.

Well my next posts will be post election, so that I promise to focus equally on life in Boston. And I promise they will be much shorter than the previous...


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