Bravo to You Toronto Star, for Calling Like it is!
Dear Toronto Star
You are the King of Mixed Results.
Sometimes you do things poorly. I have used this blog to denounce your continued desire to employ one of the worst journalists in the world - Rosie Di Manno. I don't know why you continue to do this. She is stupid and, more importantly, one day her careless efforts in your paper will get you sued. Seriously. You cannot make accusational calls against individuals BEFORE their trials and not cause bias among the general public, and it is an easy leap from here to libel. Don't say I didn't warn you when you get served.
However, sometimes you are dead on. Lately I have had mixed results with Phil Booth's Horoscope column, but I can overlook this.
Today I give you full credit for your editorial cartoon. I have always felt that your cartoonists have the balls that most of your reporters lack. I get this sense once again.
Yeah, sure we could all be patting ourselves on the back because Obama has chosen to come to Canada as his first international trip, but let's be realistic. Maybe it isn't the thrill of Canada that is attracting him, but more likely Obama (a smart man) wants to get the dirty deed of meeting Prime Minister Harper over with.
Stephen Harper isn't cool. And, let's be honest, he isn't smart. The man's "leadership" during the economic crisis puts his Economics degree to shame. The University of Calgary clearly has low standards and must stop granting this degree.
No leader in his or her right mind, takes one look at Harper and says "Now there is a man that I admire!" They might say "Now there is a guy who got lucky!" But that is about it.
Obama is visiting Canada for the same reason all Americans do - it's a good dry run at this 'international travel' stuff. We speak English, he can make analogies about "30 Rock" or "24" and we will understand what he means, his kids can play outside without worry -- we are a pretty safe first foray into international travel. No biggie.
So Canada, get off it. Obama doesn't love us. He doesn't even care. He's just doing everyone involved a favor. And getting it all over with.
God help us all if Harper (stupido that he is) actually gives Obama the freakin' Mix Tape.
And bravo to you Toronto Star!
Dear Toronto Star
You are the King of Mixed Results.
Sometimes you do things poorly. I have used this blog to denounce your continued desire to employ one of the worst journalists in the world - Rosie Di Manno. I don't know why you continue to do this. She is stupid and, more importantly, one day her careless efforts in your paper will get you sued. Seriously. You cannot make accusational calls against individuals BEFORE their trials and not cause bias among the general public, and it is an easy leap from here to libel. Don't say I didn't warn you when you get served.
However, sometimes you are dead on. Lately I have had mixed results with Phil Booth's Horoscope column, but I can overlook this.
Today I give you full credit for your editorial cartoon. I have always felt that your cartoonists have the balls that most of your reporters lack. I get this sense once again.
Yeah, sure we could all be patting ourselves on the back because Obama has chosen to come to Canada as his first international trip, but let's be realistic. Maybe it isn't the thrill of Canada that is attracting him, but more likely Obama (a smart man) wants to get the dirty deed of meeting Prime Minister Harper over with.
Stephen Harper isn't cool. And, let's be honest, he isn't smart. The man's "leadership" during the economic crisis puts his Economics degree to shame. The University of Calgary clearly has low standards and must stop granting this degree.
No leader in his or her right mind, takes one look at Harper and says "Now there is a man that I admire!" They might say "Now there is a guy who got lucky!" But that is about it.
Obama is visiting Canada for the same reason all Americans do - it's a good dry run at this 'international travel' stuff. We speak English, he can make analogies about "30 Rock" or "24" and we will understand what he means, his kids can play outside without worry -- we are a pretty safe first foray into international travel. No biggie.
So Canada, get off it. Obama doesn't love us. He doesn't even care. He's just doing everyone involved a favor. And getting it all over with.
God help us all if Harper (stupido that he is) actually gives Obama the freakin' Mix Tape.
And bravo to you Toronto Star!