Why We're Not All In the Family
I want you to think back, way back to your last family gathering. You remember - sure your mom, dad and siblings were there, but so were Auntie Betty, Uncle George, Nana and Pa. It was a big gathering - the whole of the family. It probably took place because of some holiday or celebration.
Inevitably in this situation someone said "Everyone get in close so I can take a picture!" Yep, you know they did. And everyone snuggled in together. The camera person got all set, maybe taking a couple steps back to ensure that all family members were in it. And then, inevitably, someone yelled "Hey where's Stevie?"
Now think really hard. What happened next?
Well there are really two possible scenarios. If Stevie was great uncle, legendary war hero, proprietor of the family business, Stevie, a whole field search was sent out to find him. The picture simply couldn't be taken without him.
On the other hand, if this was annoying, always bragging about how his finances are in order, pasty hair uncle Stevie, inevitably there was a bit of a pause when everyone stopped to think for a second. Then someone probably said"It's OK we already have some pictures of him with Nana and Pa. Now squeeze in everybody!" And the picture was taken sans Stevie.
And this latter scenario is exactly what happened this week to Stephen "Stevie" Harper at the G20 event in London. And it was far from a sad group that took their picture sans Stevie. Hell who needs the Canadian guy when Barack Obama is in the room?!

Whether he was meeting with his colleagues as the Canadian media was told to report, or whether he was pissing in the bathroom as the BBC reported, it really doesn't matter because he wasn't there and no one cared.
Until he or someone in his camp whined to the G20 official and they retook the photo...except of course the re-take did not include Italian President Silvio Berlusconi.
Man, the Italians are so stylish.
Besides he already had his photo taken with Obama. Who cares about the Canadians anyway?
My point here is that Canadians should not care that Harper didn't make the photo because of an overactive bladder (yeah, I'm going with the BBC on this one). Instead we should care that no one cared that we weren't there.
Susan Lunn (dummy that she is) had the audacity to ask "Can it really be a family photo if one member isn't there?"
Yes Susan, yes it can. It's the same photo you take at family gatherings when you're all secretly happy that annoying uncle Stevie couldn't be found in time for the family photo. It's *great* to know that our national leader has taken on the role of annoying uncle Stevie at these things.
I want you to think back, way back to your last family gathering. You remember - sure your mom, dad and siblings were there, but so were Auntie Betty, Uncle George, Nana and Pa. It was a big gathering - the whole of the family. It probably took place because of some holiday or celebration.
Inevitably in this situation someone said "Everyone get in close so I can take a picture!" Yep, you know they did. And everyone snuggled in together. The camera person got all set, maybe taking a couple steps back to ensure that all family members were in it. And then, inevitably, someone yelled "Hey where's Stevie?"
Now think really hard. What happened next?
Well there are really two possible scenarios. If Stevie was great uncle, legendary war hero, proprietor of the family business, Stevie, a whole field search was sent out to find him. The picture simply couldn't be taken without him.
On the other hand, if this was annoying, always bragging about how his finances are in order, pasty hair uncle Stevie, inevitably there was a bit of a pause when everyone stopped to think for a second. Then someone probably said"It's OK we already have some pictures of him with Nana and Pa. Now squeeze in everybody!" And the picture was taken sans Stevie.
And this latter scenario is exactly what happened this week to Stephen "Stevie" Harper at the G20 event in London. And it was far from a sad group that took their picture sans Stevie. Hell who needs the Canadian guy when Barack Obama is in the room?!

Whether he was meeting with his colleagues as the Canadian media was told to report, or whether he was pissing in the bathroom as the BBC reported, it really doesn't matter because he wasn't there and no one cared.
Until he or someone in his camp whined to the G20 official and they retook the photo...except of course the re-take did not include Italian President Silvio Berlusconi.
Man, the Italians are so stylish.
Besides he already had his photo taken with Obama. Who cares about the Canadians anyway?
My point here is that Canadians should not care that Harper didn't make the photo because of an overactive bladder (yeah, I'm going with the BBC on this one). Instead we should care that no one cared that we weren't there.
Susan Lunn (dummy that she is) had the audacity to ask "Can it really be a family photo if one member isn't there?"
Yes Susan, yes it can. It's the same photo you take at family gatherings when you're all secretly happy that annoying uncle Stevie couldn't be found in time for the family photo. It's *great* to know that our national leader has taken on the role of annoying uncle Stevie at these things.
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